The MATOKA brand entertains and educates an audience of over 50,000 about Japanese travel, culture and language across multiple social media platforms. We have the experience and expertise to bridge the cultural gap between Japan and the USA, so join us on our journey!

We’re Not Daijoubu Podcast

The We’re Not Daijoubu Podcast is a cultural lifestyle talk show that is split into two currently running series on YouTube. Before The Pod is the precursor segment, which leads to the main We’re Not Daijobu Podcast series. Daijoubu (大丈夫) is the Japanese word for “ok”, which in turn translates our podcast title to “We’re Not Ok”. Hosted by MATOKA, We’re Not Daijoubu focuses on normalizing the idea that people are NOT OK.

We cover a wide range of topics related to modern life, including social media's impact on mental health, the challenges and rewards of entrepreneurship, and the importance of understanding and bridging different cultures. We also delve into the struggles of navigating adult life and the importance of acknowledging and addressing when things are "not ok." The podcast aims to provide a safe space to amplify the voices of people who struggle while also learning from their mistakes and celebrating their successes. Watch the latest episodes on YouTube!

We're Not Daijoubu Podcast

New Episode

We're Not Daijoubu Podcast ⋆ New Episode ⋆

MATOKA Youtube channel

Having worked in the startup tech industry for several years, I experienced burnout and felt the need for a change. I decided to move to Japan to learn more about the culture and language, and my passion for Japanese culture inspired me to create the MATOKA YouTube channel, which aims to educate and connect Japanese and Western cultures. Over time, the channel evolved into a cultural lifestyle brand, covering topics such as Japanese food, anime, language, and social media growth. We also collaborate with companies that share our goal of bridging the cultural gap. Our latest addition is the We're Not Daijoubu Podcast, and we're excited to create even more engaging content for our audience.

Collaborations With

Simply By Christine


Ikigai Connections

Kin Leaf Tea

Christine's Cookie Co

Jiaren Cafe

B-Bridge International

Simply By Christine • violetsdigest • Ikigai Connections • Kin Leaf Tea • Christine's Cookie Co • Jiaren Cafe • B-Bridge International •

How To Influence

As the creator of the YouTube channel "How to Influencer", I began my journey in the videography field with no prior education or experience. Through trial and error and utilizing resources like YouTube, I was able to improve my skills. However, I realized that there were still many things I had to learn through experience, so I decided to create a resource to share my journey. Drawing from my experiences working with small business owners and startups, my content connects the worlds of content creation and business and serves as a valuable resource for both. The channel continues to evolve as I continue to learn and improve, demonstrating my ongoing dedication to the craft.

Need content for your small business?

Need content for your small business?

Whether you need assistance with content marketing, product video, social media strategy and more, MATOKA has the skillset and experience to be an invaluable asset to your cause. We have helped small business expand their social media presence, design new product to meet the market’s need, and create compelling content to grow an audience and establish a brand.



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